So last sunday while hunting for our never ending wedding stuff We managed to find time to watch MI4: Ghost Protocol at the new TGV IMAX Theatre at Sunway Pyramid It's our last date as an "engaged" couple by the way..ngeee
It was an amazing visual experience Seriously worth every penny The full projection visual and the sound sytem is fantastic! Pasni memang tengok kat situ jela nanti..
MI4 is very entertaining Great storyline and cast I somewhat feel like the mission "impossible" is quite possible Brad Bird really did well for this one even thought it's his first full-length feature and Tom Cruise never aged, damn it.
So my wedding leaves start tomorrow until January 2nd 2 weeks holiday babyyy I wish everything will go smooth and easy I finally gonna face one of the most important moment in life I'm gonna get married to the one I love so dearly, Masha Allah.
weeee mixed feeling but actually I'm so relaxed Like wah ini ke perasaan nak kawin? dia rasa nervous takut preparation tu tak sempat ke atau hujan time majlis ke atau senang ke dorang ni nak parking kat umah nanti kesian kereta dorang Takda la sangat rasa cam ohhh so lovey dovey I wanna listen to love songs all day long and talk about love all the time hahaa
but my Surfacing did something really sweet I just asked him to touch up the paint job in the bedroom He did the touch up job as well as some paint job in the living room best best baru la rasa baru sikit Thank u my dear
Really need to re-work on the signage I don't think it's visible enough with this font Talking about printing it on A3 Size for directions
doorgift for VIP sahaja iaitu keluarga my surfacing dan relatives during nikah Limited jar pulak tu dasar cheapskate I'm struggling here there's 90 jars to go means another 2 baking sessions whoaa penat
bulu mata sendiri ye belum palsu lagi ngeeee foundation tak melekat kat kulit sebab dry and flaky so take note siapa yang ada dry skin - GET A MOISTURIZER in my case, it's oily and dry and the same time Please do some magic Clinique Moisture Extended Thirst Relief. I hope it works.
This week we will watch Mission Impossible 4: Ghost Protocol at the new TGV iMax theatre at Sunway Pyramid It will be our last date as engaged couple... ngeee
12 days to go... Last 3 days was really hectic Looking for barang hantaran from 9am to 11pm Thank God everything settle I found my "One" Ring Thank you my Surfacing I really love it!
Found this while packing my stuff Doodle by my Surfacing probably 5,6 years ago
This is where I will set up my dais I will DIY my pelamin nothing fancy just hoping it will turn out ok Good old klippan sofa will be my nikah couch The best part about DIY is you get to keep everything That's the reason why I bought sofa instead of chaise lounge chair that's more suitable for wedding but what the hell
We really want this TV rack for our small home When we visited Ikea 2 weeks ago, the price was too good to be true from 300+ to rm99! But it was out of stock They said they will restock in 2 weeks and there's 3 unit left before they sell the display unit.
Last Sunday memang our rezeki la pergi awal pukul 10am mula-mula takda stock jugak then one of the staff approached us when we're about to have our breakfast He said there's 2 unit buffer, better grab it now. My surfacing quickly went to the market hall and we got the mavas rack at RM99! Wehooo
Berapa banyak tester daa aku amik sebelum decide perfume mana aku nak untuk hantaran dengan budget yang ala kadar ni My choice? none of the above. ngeeee.
Semalam penat gila... We decided to paint the master bedroom before barang sampai Sebab ni rumah sewa so beli cat murah blue-i saja ok...hehehe We opted for vintage white and really love the end result Its a combination of white and light grey
My husband-to-be gigih mengecat Aku pun sama-sama buat ok... Cat dinding aku suka lagi... siling tu buat rasa nak menangis sakit tengkuk Start pukul 5pm Finished around 10pm But he has to do some touch up work before this thursday
selama 28 tahun hidup This is my first contact lens Bought for the wedding I never wear, afraid to wear and don't know how to wear So semalam masa trial makeup dengan tak malunya mintak mua aku ajar Sorry Anna, nak pakai je dah 20min aku terkial-kial Mesti kecewa je dia tengok aku
Bloodshot eyes sebab tak reti pakai contact hahahahah Anna patiently advise me to get use to it prior to the wedding Need to practice this week! Love the eye makeup... But I'm in big trouble because my skin is very unkind to me acne break out macam gila pastu combination skin ada dryness and flaky so foundation tak melekat
Anna advise me to moisturize or else memang kecewala wedding makeup aku nanti She even e-mail me some tips Thank you so much Anna, I really appreciate it... sedihnya rasa but I should stop on my medication especially the exfoliating cream to prevent the skin peeling off. oh well.
Dah lama tak menulis pasal Rayyan El-Mostafa, my cheeky nephew Actually it's my surfacing's cheeky nephew... but in 3 weeks I can claim that too :)
He's already 1 year old last September He's walking and running and hiding fast He's almost 15kg to date
He's so adorable , fluffy, baldy young man and he looks like a doll. A very adorable baby boy doll. He talks with his own language but sometimes he yelled "apa tuu?" and "duduk!" Feast your eyes with his latest pictures
Rayyan ni suka ngan perempuan je, kalau lelaki die malas layan So that explains why he likes me so much ..ngeee
Gagah jugak aku mengangkat nya masa ni sekarang dah tak mampu sebab semangat sangat
His first vacation last raya
Sambil mandi pun boleh tidur...kelaka gila budak ni
The cheeky face that I miss, after this boleh selalu jumpa
Macam anak patung yang sungguh sedap dipeluk
Sometimes he smile and laugh during his sleep Mesti teringat upin ipin
1 year old birthday cake with his favourite boys, upin ipin
Kalau time makan dia lah paling sibuk selak menu
With my two favourite man
Oh Rayyan, I really hope my future son will look as cheeky as you and as fair as you are...ngee
With his favourite uncle... His Pakcu is really good at taking good care of him... bagi makan, mandikan, cuci ehem ehem, tidurkan I'm so proud of you Surfacing.
Recent picture taken last week with his "Rocky Balboa" robe Cuteness!