I got some beautiful photos from my bestfriend, shana. Photos captured probono by her husband, Muizz. I'm all smiling when she shared the pics via YM It remind me of my Nikah day the akad moment especially
I always thought my mom was very relax compare to my father because she's not crying at all and constantly worried kenduri food preparation But I was wrong Looking at the pic, she got all teary-eyed during the doa Feels like running home now and hug my mom I miss her
Like I said, ayah almost made me cry I put my mind at other place to hold the tears I'm so grateful, muizz captured this precious moment
Close up shot of exchanging rings notice his hands look softer than mine... ngeee
Pics with my girls oh what will I do without you babes
" I don't want to waste another moment of my life without you in it"
20 days as husband and wife. I'm enjoying every moment with my other half. So this is marriage. You and me. Togetherness. Good times bad times. Sometimes I have this feeling like "wow, I'm married" Can't believe that 1 year prep is over.
Now I cannot wait to see my wedding pictures. Haven't got anything from my official photog yet. But looking at photos that were captured by my brother, friends and relative making me excited about my wedding.
These are some of the photos by ajin, shana and fiza Can't thank them enough for capturing these moments
SOLEMNIZATION 25.12.11. My humble home
The DIY Pelamin We called it "Whiter shade of Pale" ngeeee We did this pelamin in 2 days Our first idea was to put paper flower as background but time is running out So we replace it with the fan shape thingy using tracing paper Totally worth it because everything belong to us Now the sofa at our living room :) I will do another pelamin for my sister this coming february and it's pink!
I don't know about zul but I'm not nervous at all Cuma rasa sebak sangat bila masa nak nikahkan suara ayahku sebak like he's about to cry and kena buat lafaz sekali lagi sebab ayah cakap tersekat-sekat menahan sebak I almost cried I can see how my father loves me so much This is the moment he has to let go of me Love you so much ayah.
Husband and Wife woohoooo Macam, really? we already married? whoaa
Our family portrait :) Syukur sangat.
With my sister and her family hayyman muka sedih ni beriya menangis taknak amik gambar jadi la macam ni..ngeee
"Pet, senyum lagi pettt" Itula reminder photographer dok bagi kat aku Oh well me and my sour face I think I've smile enough Tapi masih nampak macam marghoh Hopefully takdala muka aku masam macam kawin paksa je ngeee
Hantaran from him Kami buat 5 balas 7 My surfacing buat sendiri with the help from his sister and aunt I really love the Al-Quran in Mini Kaabah and I love my ring so much Thank you hunney bunny
Neesa Misae with hantaran from my side I can't thank you enough Neesa, my bestfriend! dia sleepover rumah aku the night before and she's responsible for this lovely hantaran! Kalau neesa and her sister takda memang tak tidur la aku malam tu buat menda ni I don't even know I can do this pretty. and thank u so much jay jeha for helping me with the sirih junjung yang ada carnation and sirih tu Masha Allah masa tengok all the decoration, I'm so happy because this is what I wanted Oh what will I do without you babe
My father look so handsome with baju melayu! Me and zul personally chose the material and color Send to tailor and dry clean I want my parents to wear new things on my wedding day Really glad it looks amazing on them Cikman yang terlalu busy with the coordination sampai tak tukar baju pun Cik Man and Cik Idah, only Allah SWT will repay your kindness to our family Tak berkira duit, energy Mereka ni memang orang kuat wedding aku Jasa terlalu besar tak terbalas oleh aku dan zul
With my lovely parents The arch was build by Sham, anak cik man Dia ada bengkel belakang rumah aku How convenient kan Talking about my parents, the day after masa packing nak move out Aku rasa kosong sangat especially when my father tengok-tengok time packing First time I cried like a child Hugging ayah and ummi It's really sad to leave after living here for 28 years I'm homesick for a week and asked zul to go home almost everyday Dengan alasan barang tinggal la apa la The actual fact is I miss them so much and I want to be around them all the time. Tak sabar nak balik minggu ni :)
With the heavily pregnant, my bestfriend, Shananeh Oh babe, thank u so much for capturing beautiful photos using instax, iphone and even dslr Can't wait nak tengok yang DSLR...ihihi Shana tengah menanti hari je ni due around next week I pray for the best Semoga selamat both you and baby
Beautiful henna by amrina, hennaratusehari She's really good and I'm glad I made the decision to wear full henna Even aku buat design baru untuk event dewan pulak I never like wearing inai But for wedding, I say go for it! This is the time nak pakai inai penuh tangan atas bawah and tak nampak pelik Even get compliment and orang mintak contact number amrina Thank you Am, you're the best! yang macam smear to sebab tangan aku tak berenti berpeluh...hehehehe
with best man and Maid of Honor My beautiful sister, bai and her fiancee, Erfan Bulan 2 ni turn dorang pulak naik pelamin Me and my surfacing in charge with the wedding look and event coordination Definitely looking forward to that :) bai, erfan, my brother ajin and her gf murni memang banyak sangat tolong aku I am blessed with siblings macam ni yang buat doorgift tak tidur Murni, I want you to be my in law, InsyaAllah! She's really helpful, nice and rajin sangat. Ajin please jaga murni elok-elok ok because I really like her.
With Cik Naimah and family I known them since sekolah rendah lagi Last year along and angah kawin Yang bestnya dorang ada amik gambar and upload dengan penuh efisien sekali Thank you guys really love all the photos :)
Orang -orang kuat family, relatives, friends, Godfather Yang support dari segi energy, barangan dan duit Tolong Ummi masak dari 2 hari sebelum yang basuh pinggan yang make sure makanan semua ada Whole lotta love!
With Neesa and Shana Tak sabar nak lepak wey
Ok sereyes tak sabar nak tengok official wedding photo Idzwan...some teaser plisss
9 days married to the man I truly love, Zulkarnain Azhar...my dear surfacing. We've been waiting for this moment for 10 years. It's never been better than this.
Thank you to our wonderful family, relatives and friends. Thank you for attending our wedding receptions. Thank you for the thoughtful prayers, wishes and kind gifts. Thank you for the endless love and support, money and energy regardless. I love every moments, every details, every flaws of my wedding day. It's all happening :)